Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Manna & Mercy...

If you haven't read Daniel Erlander's book (and its footnotes) you've missed out on a greatly clarifying, mind opening, quick, in depth, challengin re-reading of scripture. But this is not about that.

Its about my need to be corageous, to remember who I am, and who God called me to be. The first time I did the Manna & Mercy course with Allan Storey at Observatory Methodist Church it really got me excited. I had just resolved to follow God's call, I had big amazing and wonderful ideas.

Yesterday; doing the course again I was disapointed in myself. I have not been as courageous as I had hoped to be, I was challenged once again to stop being such a nerd, to remember that rules are meant to be broken and the gospel challenge is here to burst the world.

So I write this to remind myself next year, when I look back over my blog postings, to be more courageous, to watch for a new thing, to be who God calls me to be.


digitaldion (Dion Forster) said...

Amandla ya wethu!

Go for it Gus! You're a gift! I wish I could have sat in for longer... Marking, marking, marking....



Rock in the Grass (Pete Grassow) said...

yes - it is good to create places of memory in our lives: they keep us honest