I'm Gus. Big. Quiet. Noisy. I like stuff. This is a sort of family album / thoughtcast. Thing.
"Gruntled are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires; God will satisfy them fully!"
Friday, September 16, 2005
elephant dusting itself - Mlambane Road - S118
Baby Elephant Suckling.... aaaaawwww
This beautiful leopard appeared under the bridge when I said to Heather: "I need you to see a leopard now." We tried cheetah as well but it didn't work - shame a whole lot of tour vehicles came and asked what we were looking at when he had already disapeared behind a tree
Impala trying to move a big rock - idiot
Rock Monitor - mistook it for a cow pat and then it moved... nearly squished the poor thing
Surprise Leopard near James water hole
sleepy lion on night drive - 2 males, 3 females and 2 cubs - aaaw sweet
Hyeana Pups checking us out from the side of the road
Baby Elephant - almost no control of his limbs and trunk - running after his mothers and getting stuck in bushes... smiliest sighting in Kruger
Barn owl above the washing up area at Afsaal picnic site.
Giraffe... beautiful sexy creatures
Friday, September 02, 2005
check out the kruger park webcam http://www.sanparks.org/parks/kruger/webcams/ strange animals man...
Husband, Father, Christian (Liberal(ish), Evangelical(ish) Methodist - if you need a label) (I can say the Creed without crossing my fingers), Minister, Theology Student (MTh at Stellenbosch), Dog Father (Two Irish Terriers)